Thursday, December 18, 2008


Sometimes life hits little speed bumps. Things are tooling along just fine and then suddenly it feels like I have hit a wall. The last few weeks have been that way for me. Like I said earlier, life for me works out better when I have steady work.
Good things do happen though even when life doesn't seem to be going the way it should be. I had a birthday that went very nicely. Pami and Cave & Co. were able to make it to spend an evening at BJ's with me over pizza and pizzookies. To enlighten the ignorant, pizzookies are freshly baked deep dish cookies with a bunch of vanilla bean ice cream piled on top. If you go to BJ's for your birthday you get one free minus the wait staff singing. It is awesome! My nephew Caleb thought so too. It turns out the boy really likes ice cream since he kept stealing the ice cream off of the section of cookie I had just worked free with my spoon for me to eat. At times like that I had to remind myself that three year olds pretty much have no clue that the ice cream they just snagged came off of their uncle's birthday pizzookie. To them it is just ice cream that they were quick enough to grab.
We had rain. I'm sorry but rain makes me want to spend the day in bed, so not a whole lot going on this week. I will say though that today was beautiful. Both the dog and I were feeling a little cooped up so I took him for a long walk several times around the park. The sky today was as blue as I have ever seen it with big white puffy clouds. If it hadn't been for the electric wires and roofs all around me I would have taken pictures to remind myself that days like this really exist. The temperature was in the 50's so it was perfect walking weather. After just a couple of laps around the park I was feeling warm and comfy. In the distance I could see the snow covered San Gabriel mountains. To be totally honest I was missing my job at Forest Home pretty badly. It is amazing how much snow can grow on you. I miss driving in snow, walking in snow, watching the dog play in snow, throwing snowballs for the dog to catch, watching snowballs bounce off his head when he decided not to catch them. I miss the beauty of snow all around me. I miss the smell of wood smoke against the crisp cold air. I really miss camp.
I guess life has seasons. As much as I want to run back away to camp I really need to figure out what direction God wants me to go with my life. Does this desire I have to go back to camp mean that I should go back to camp or should I keep following the interest that I have in nursing? Is there something else out there for me?

1 comment:

Pami said...

I hear ya on the stay in bed during rain...I didn't study nearly as much as I should have, because the couch and a warm blanket had too strong of a pull on me...
Oh well, it's all over now!!!