Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Another lesson

Last night I baked two beautiful loaves of rye bread. The recipe calls for 5 cups of white bread flour but I substituted 3 cups of whole wheat flour and two cups of white flour. The smell of baking bread was a little overwhelming so I had some relatively fresh from the oven. It was amazing. I love rye bread, so moist rye that is still warm from the oven was incredible. I couldn't even tell that I had substituted the whole wheat in. Before going to bed I finished slicing the one that I had already sampled and left the other out on the table to finish cooling.
I made the mistake of letting my driver's license expire. Whoopsies! Today I went down to take care of that little mistake. After waiting in line for a while I got to stand around and wait for my number to be posted. They were really nice and didn't charge extra for letting my license expire. They also took a new picture which is really nice since I look like a thug in my old one.
I got home to a happy dog. He greeted me just like normal with wild excitement. Then I noticed something odd was lying in the living room. Oso has recently decided that what is in the trash is fair game. I have been working on correcting that assumption with limited success. The thing that was odd was that there was no trash in the trash can that was worth digging into. I went into the living room for a closer look and discovered that the lovely loaf of rye bread that I had left sitting on the table was not only on the living room floor but was about 1/3 consumed. I called over the perpetrator who suddenly decided that he had probably made a poor choice of activities while I was away and cowered over. I grabbed his ruff to pull him closer and he yelped the yelp of momentary repentance. I held his nose into the bread and told him "NO NO!" several times. I then grabbed the loaf and held it to his nose, shaking it in his face repeating the verbal thrashing from before. His ears were back, his eyes were wide and he was cowering away from the loaf even as chunks and large crumbs fell off of the wreckage that was supposed to help get me through the next two weeks. Everything about him screamed that he was sorry.
I left him whimpering on his stomach to throw the loaf in the outside trash. As I walked through the kitchen to the back door I glanced over my shoulder.
Oso was gobbling up the chunks and crumbs that fell off the loaf as I shook it in his face.
So much for that leaving a lasting impact.
So much for bread being left on the table in the future! I learned my lesson.

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