Tuesday, January 20, 2009


I turned down a call this morning. It was a P.E. call too. Honestly, I hate turning down work, especially when I'm hurting for work. There was a reason though that I turned this job down.
First of all you don't call me and ask me to drive all the way down to Watts a minute after school has started according to the schedule on the phone. Yeah, I have at least a half hour drive to get there...on a good day. Normally it will take at least 45 minutes or longer. By the time I get parked and to the gym things are not looking good.
Secondly, Gompers has a horrible reputation. Gompers is that school that the other subs warn you about. I have subbed at Gompers once before. It was a P.E. assignment. During the course of the day I had to grab a student to keep him from tackling another student during a football game on the black top. After grabbing him he yelled at me about how I wasn't allowed to touch him. That meant I had to go to the office and deal with reporting the situation. They didn't seem to know who I needed to talk to so I burned a bunch of time in the office until things got worked out. Later on in the day I had a class of kids who refused to listen to me. I was trying to keep control of the classroom and keep them from playing a game where they picked one person to chase and then ran after them punching them when they got close enough. Eventually the student would be held while the others hit them. The whole time the department head was standing there doing nothing about it. Right, like I'm going to go to Gompers when they call me after school starts. Like I'm going to go to Gompers when I got that kind of support from the department chair. Like I'm going to go to Gompers when one of the P.E. coaches was openly talking about how much he wanted to transfer to another school!
Thanks, but I'll take my chances with being broke!

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