Tuesday, November 25, 2008


I'm taking an intro to psychology class as part of my effort to eventually get into nursing school. To be completely honest, it hasn't been my favorite class. As I read through the book there are some things that are pretty much set in stone. Things having to do with the way the human body works make sense to me. The stuff is measurable and they can run tests that demonstrate the same results over and over again. The problem is that so much of psychology is purely theoretical. So basically I'm learning stuff right now that might be considered outdated by the time the next edition of the textbook comes out. I have to learn about Freud because he contributed so much to getting the ball going but most of his theories have been tossed by now. It is frustrating.
One of the nice things about this class is that it is a hybrid class. That means that I only have to go to class once a week. It also means that I have to read the text. Normally I skip the text and just listen to the lectures. So while I'm not thrilled about all the reading it is nice to be able to read on my own time as long as I hit the deadlines.
Speaking of meeting the deadlines, last night I dutifully read the chapter so that I would be ready to take the quiz today. Traffic was really light so I got to class early. I figured that I would use the extra time to go over the chapter once again before the quiz. You see, I got a B on my last exam and really wanted to make sure I got a good score. So there I sat studying away when one of the students I share the table with walked in. She looked at my book and said "I thought we were supposed to read chapter 16." I told her that it was 15 and she could look it up. Turns out she was right. The prof flipped the two chapters. There I was with just a few minutes before class started with a quiz for a chapter I hadn't read. Fortunately the chapter was on some pretty basic stuff so I don't think I tanked to badly. We will see though. The prof didn't give us a chance to see our scores because he had a lot of stuff he wanted to do today. I'll find out next week though.
We had an exam last week that I didn't feel to good about. Remember how I said that this isn't my favorite class in the world? The prof promised to not only send around a bar graph with all of our scores on it around the class at the end of class but also promised to give us a progress report so we can see how we are doing. So we all sat through the video he wanted us to watch anxiously waiting for the grades. I got my progress report first. The good news is that I'm actually pulling a 96% in the class. I then glanced at the exam scores. I couldn't believe my eyes. I scored 40 points on the exam! I was pretty sure that 40 points equaled 100%. Sure enough when the bar graph came around 40 points got me 100%! The prof adds a couple of extra credit questions to every exam so I missed a couple of questions somewhere. Still, 100%! I glanced over the other scores and saw that I was the only one. Happy Day!
Oh, and the prof drops the lowest exam score. If I can get an A on the last exam the B exam goes the way of the dodo.

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