Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Same Blogger, Different Place

Blogging has always been a great way for me to let off steam. There is something about putting my thoughts down on the internet for everyone to read that allows me to relax. Sometimes it is stuff that I find to be funny. Other times it is observations on life, my faith or on rare occasions my political beliefs. Most of the time blogging serves as a very public diary.
The ironic thing about my joy in blogging is that I have never been any good at keeping a journal. I don't know how many times I tried to keep one growing up. Some people have this intimate relationship with their journals. They tell their journals all their secrets of joy, despair, love and guilt. These journals are guarded as if life depended on it. While I have never been able to get into that aspect of keeping a journal I have had no problem keeping a blog. Perhaps it has to do with the fact that blogs are public and therefore are exhibitionist in nature. I love to see how many people read my blog. Comments are always welcome! If anything keeps me going with a blog it is the excitement of seeing that people read my blog and the hope that they are either entertained or given something to think about with their day.
So what kind of blogging background do I have?
My experience with blogging actually started in college. We didn't call it blogging back then though. The school I attended had an electronic bulletin board service that had an area called a resume where each user could post any information that they wanted about themselves. Most of the student body took it as an opportunity to put out a personal ad. Some used it to tell the rest of the student body about where they came from, what they got their degree in, and where they hoped to go. Some people used it just for one liners mocking whoever was foolish enough to waste their time on said user's resume. I decided to use it to post mildly shocking but funny stories, thoughts and observations. As time moved on I included more serious rants. Slowly but surely comments began to trickle into my mailbox. Most people loved it, so I kept going with it. I continued with this "resume" for a few years after college until I got tired of all the Nigerian scams that were flooding my email box. My inner blogger went into dormancy for several years.
A couple of years ago I decided to open a Myspace account. The purpose for doing this was so that I could look at the profiles of people who were applying to the camp jobs I supervised. A coworker had shown me some of the comments that current and former employees had posted and I was amazed that these people were either still employed or were eligible for rehire. Soon after signing up though I started to post blogs. The inner blogger roared to life with a vengeance!
So here we are. Same blogger, new blog. Welcome to my life. Welcome to Inherent Extant!

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