Wednesday, November 26, 2008


Last night it rained. Here in southern California it doesn't rain nearly as often as we need it to so it was an amazing thing for it to rain through the night. In fact it happens so rarely that I opened my window a crack just so that I could listen to it rain. It was awesome! I would recommend that everyone find out what trains, airplanes, sirens and freeway traffic sounds like when accompanied by the sound of rain. For some reason things seem just a little bit more peaceful. The noises that I hear all night long don't seem nearly as loud.
Beyond the fact that I sleep better with the rain, rain brings the moisture that we need so badly. In case you don't live in southern California, we had some pretty big fires her a couple of weekends ago. Big enough and close enough that the clothes that I washed at my sister's house smelled more than just a little smokey when I got home. Oh well, I figure that they could have smelled like any number of things other than a camp fire. I like camp fires so I guess I was ok with it. But seriously, we need rain. Driving around southern California is like driving through a brown painting. The ground is brown, the grass is brown, the air is brown, everything is brown. It is no wonder that we have the fires that we have.
So anyways, it was great to have rain. It was wonderful that we continued to have sprinkles throughout the day. Gray was such a nice change from brown! Hopefully someday soon we can even get!

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