Thursday, November 27, 2008

Giving Thanks

One of the truly great things about this country is our Thanksgiving holiday. I'm not saying this as an "America is the greatest country in the world!" statement. No, this is saying that it is a fantastic thing that we have a holiday set aside for the giving of thanks. Even if you are an atheist you have to recognize that taking a day to pause and think about the things that you are thankful for is worth while. It isn't just about gorging yourself before going and spending a whole bunch of money on all the great deals tomorrow.
So what am I thankful for? First of all I'm thankful for family. I have a family that is pretty amazing even when I might not think that they are pretty amazing. I never have to worry about whether or not they love me. I never have to worry about whether or not they will listen to me as I go through ups and downs and in betweens. I know that there are doors that will always be open. You have to admit, that is pretty amazing. I'm also thankful for a job. My job might be pretty sketchy right now and I might be a little concerned how I'm going to meet my bills but hey, I have a job. There are an awful lot of other people out there who would love to have that job. I'm thankful for a place to live. We can always think about what kind of place we would live in if we had our druthers but when it really comes down to it the most important thing is that we have a place to live! Hey, it has hot water coming out of the shower, what more can I really ask for, right? I'm thankful that I live in a country where I don't have to worry about what I say on this blog. I can get away with saying all kinds of things on here. As long as I don't threaten anyone, brag about crimes, plan crimes or anything like that I'm good to go. Do you know how many people in the world would love to have that same opportunity? I should be incredibly thankful for this whole free speech thing!
There are all kinds of other things I'm thankful for as well including friends, the food I eat, the truck I drive, the dog that was so unhappy with the bath I gave him yesterday. Of course I'm also thankful for the ultimate sacrifice and the guarantee that it bought.
When it really comes down to it I have a lot in this life. So often it is easy to sit around and look at things I wish were different. To be honest though wishing for differences in my life isn't the key to happiness. Of course I will do what I can to move towards those goals but at the same time I need to take life one day at a time. After all, I only have one shot at each day. By living each day one day at a time and pausing to be thankful for each and every day and each and every opportunity that each day brings I can be so much happier with life.
See what putting aside a national day of thanksgiving can do?

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